Sunday, January 23, 2011

Don't Act Guilty, It'll All Blow Over

So January is almost over and it is time to look back at all the things that I haven't done yet. Call Bang & Olufsen about getting my Form2's repaired. Nope. How about listing my old PowerShot on eBay. Not that either. The list goes on and on so this week I really should finish out January--before January finishes without me.

Detroit's winter is one that just goes on and on. In order to endure so much time indoors I have learned that finding ways to make my day brighter passes the season by fast. Most importantly to me is my morning workout. The time to focus on myself (conceided I know) is sometimes the only time I have to spend not working on projects, homework or the list of other rituals that take up so much of my time.

The other part of my daily routine is reading blogs by some of my favorite bloggers. Check out by Davey Wavey or the by Amanda. Both are very different than each other but equally enjoyable. Do it, like, um, now!

The last cherished activity that pulls me through the winter slum is dressing every day, but not just the act of choosing and putting on clothes. I religiously watch Bill Cunningham on the New York Times' Style Section every week to see what people are wearing around Manhattan. Between that and Vogue, GQ and Elle I find myself with plenty of inspiration to mix and match things that I had never thought of before.

While I don't have any crazy stories about finding that perfect sweater or anything new and exciting I am keeping my eyes out. Have a fabtastic week!

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Hitting the 'Home' Button

As I began the new semester this past week I reflected back on all the things I have done in past semesters to try and be someone I am not. The funny part about it was that no matter what I tried, what I bought or what music I listened to I always came back to the same 'me' in the end. This journey of trying new things and embracing change is a most glorious experience. In the end I always come back to the person I was before the tangent, but always taking some of what I learned/embraced/experienced with me. I am myself, not anyone else--no matter how much I may try to be.

The buffet of experiences life hands each one of us should be embraced with open arms, however proceeding with caution is also vital. My own experiences in the past 18 months have been all over the boards. I have felt better than ever in some instances and in others more hurt/confused/upset than I ever had before.

Along the path I have met a wide variety of acquaintances from all around the world and all walks of life. Listening and learning from each one has created a much more diverse and exciting version of the person I was before I ever met them. What confuses me most are the people who refuse to ever taste the delicious buffet of life. Why deny yourself the chance to become a better version of, well, um... you!?

Sometimes life is best experienced through the eyes of a goose, view every day like it is new and fresh--not holding on to the memories and regrets of the one prior. Forgive, but don't forget.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Post Holiday Blues... and Camel

I. After enduring the four sweater catastrophe of 2010 I was left with a large gift card to Macy's department store. The one closest to my home town was not known for their clothing selection but I decided to go see what they had anyway. I spent probably 30 minutes wandering around before I spotted it, the one item I have been looking all year for... the perfect V-neck camel coloured sweater.

Do you know how many beige, tan and brown sweaters there are in the world? Far too many would be an appropriate answer! Having searched the shelves of store across the Northeast and Southeast Michigan and was ready to give up. This little lesson has taught me that there still is hope for finding what I really want.

II. Growing a backbone is my largest resolution for 2011. I have always been the one to say "yes!" when I really should have been telling people that "No, I can't help you." Being too nice is a perpetual habit and I have finally decided that the buck stops here. I refuse to get taken advantage of any longer and be a passenger in my own life. It is so odd that I, the one person always on top of things and running my life some how ended up letting it run itself.

This year brings many new and exciting possibilities as well as many changes. Giving everything away here would be too easy so check back and read about my latest adventure every week. Happy New Year!

Saturday, December 18, 2010

The Art of

The end of the semester has come and gone, how great it feels to be without homework for the next three weeks. Since I have so much time to browse the interweb I have been enjoying more and more remixes, especially 'mash-ups' with Lady GaGa's "Just Dance". My current favorite is "Don't Stop/Just Dance"--a 'mash-up' between Lady GaGa and Journey.

The past week was very stressful and after a series of very frightening driving on ice adventures I almost had a nervous breakdown (thanks for clearing the roads and using large quantities of salt Michigan). Luckily all my projects were finished and turned in/presented, so much weight now lifted from my shoulders.

In another week Christmas will be over, but in the meantime I will attempt to enjoy as much as possible of what remains of the holiday season. At this point I will avoid any tie-ins with consumerism and how much we don't need yet more stuff in our lives. Christmas remains and exception in my book. Besides, we need to get our fix at some point during the year, right?

For all two people who actually know me and read my blog, thank you. It is nice to know that you are wasting 5 minutes of your day on me, rather than Facebook. For your reading I am eternally grateful.

Since it will be after Christmas when i post next I wish everyone a happy and safe holiday and please remember to buy lots on sale come December 26th! Enjoy!

Sunday, December 12, 2010

The First Snow/The Verge of....

I was ready to throw my phone right out the window of my 11th floor apartment. Would I have cared if my iPhone's screen had shattered into 500 pieces as it hit the pavement below? Probably not. You know it is bad when caring goes right out the window with your phone, breaking as it hits the street.

Today is Detroit's first real snowfall and I could care less. I used to get all excited to see white flakes accumulating into a world that became clean with with whiteness. This year I am cramming for finals, trying to order Christmas gifts and think about when I will have time to pack before I leave for Pennsylvania in six days. The first snow is lost on my, better luck next year I guess.

All the art and design in the world has no meaning when you are on the verge of a breakdown. Have you ever seen one of those films where the characters live in Architectural Digest houses, drive beautiful cars and wear only the finest clothing--yet their lives are not any more spectacular than yours and mine? No matter how many times I see these kinds of movies I still cannot grasp why if everything surrounding them is so perfect, can they still face the same problems a mere mortal does? Shouldn't having a Eames lounge chair in your living room protect you from all things bad in the world?

I haven't begun this post with intention of relating back to last week, but I think maybe it does simply because it seems to be a reoccurring theme in my life. Things of the world as just that... things. They bare no impact on our interaction with our families and friends; we can all experience the same feeling whether we live in a run-down apartment or a loft in SoHo. So do we buy things in hope of improving our interactions with others (fixing broken relationships and such)? The material world as I see it conflicts greatly with the world of interaction and intellect, why is this?

The snow is continuing to accumulate and I am continuing to ponder how to repair the un-repairable. Maybe if I only... well, that would just be silly, wouldn't it?

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Every Day A Little Death

"I am over things. I will not buy one more thing." These are the thoughts that go through my head every time I walk out of Target with something new. La Roux's latest album to blenders (I have bought two in the course of 6 months). Why do I keep buying?

Being the decedent of a long line of materialists I think I have a genetic problem with buying things. Whether it is yet another black sweater or accessories for my BMW I just buy things when they strike me. Over the past year I have identified this little habit of mine, in fact I think it was right after I bought those Bang & Olufsen headphones. So... Why do I buy? Is it to fill some emptiness in my life?

For some people I know it is all about 'buying happiness', though I am not foolish enough to try to do that. Whether it is power tools, German cars or cashmere scarves everyone has their consumerist vice. My vice got back and forth from clothing and accessories to parts for my car. I think I may have just about the entire BMW accessories catalog, roof rack to canvas seat covers. I buy new things because I start to feel stale when I live with the same things day in and day out. As consumers we are programed to have this urge to constantly acquire the latest and greatest. What if my iPhone could last 5, or even 10 (gasp!) years. Would I keep it for all that time? Absolutely not. There is a new one so I must have it because it is faster and has a built in Swiss army knife.

We are never satisfied and the consumer always hungers for the newest and fastest. Although some might tell you this is bad, I disagree. Yes, there are certainly negative side affects, like debt, but without it we would be our ancestors. Sitting new to a camp fire with our buffalo hide blanket drinking hot water out of a tin mug.

Fight it or make piece with it, but we are all stuck here together so we had might as well start buying.

The lady at Target smiled as I swiped my car to buy a new blender today. Then again, she is only a cog in the machine.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

I Don't Get Around Much Anymore

I have made it through the dreads of Thanksgiving and only three more weeks until I finish up the semester. Now all I have to do is survive and pass all my classes.

I had been invited to join one of my friend's families for their annual dinner which was a very nice and home-like event. We all gathered around her dinner table, said grace, and them proceeded with what seemed to be all American Thanksgiving conversation. The topics ranged from colleges to my family and then to politics. Proving to be a very interesting conversation, especially after our hostess had started her second glass of wine, we talked about Sarah Palin's never ending gaffes and how that could be her biggest problem. Needless to say I think I regret ever having brought up the topic so I doubt that will be 'one the table' (so to speak) next time around.

As much as I thought I'd miss something being away from my family, I really don't feel like I did. I'm sure there were the required quips flying across the table and my grandmother wandering around try to find where my mother hid the silver this year. If everything goes as I am planning (not that it ever does) I will once again be present next year to see the mania and watch that grandma does re-chop the salad lettuce for the fifteenth time. I miss the idea and memories of it but I don't actually miss the activity. This was an experiment and now I know that life can still go on without a full-scale family festival.

Christmas shopping for me is not about spending hours strolling up and down the isles at Neiman's. Having worked in retail for enough time to know how bad Christmas is, I skip right to the computer and only buy last minute items in-store. Who really has all that time to spending buying swaters for their best friend, but deep down knowing that the blinking red nose (batteries not included) is a bit over the top.

December means the end of 2010 and I'll be pleased to see it go.